Yoga & Music

 Hi, I’m Missy Balsam.

My passion is helping you feel your best in body, mind, and spirit.


I’ve been teaching yoga and helping people of all ages on their journeys of personal and spiritual growth for 17 years. I’m also a singer, songwriter, musician, and kirtan artist. I love to incorporate singing (mine…don’t worry!) into my classes to infuse a deeper level of love and devotion into the practice of yoga.

“Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.”

- Arthur Ashe

“Today is the first day
of the rest of your life.”

- Charles Dederich

Join me for weekly
Zoom Classes

Mondays & Wednesdays, 9-10 am EST

I am currently offering two Yoga Stretch classes per week on Zoom. This is a gentle yoga class, designed to help you relax, unwind, and release tension and stress. It is slow-paced, focusing on breathing and relaxing stretching movements to improve flexibility while calming the mind. Benefits of this type of yoga include lower blood pressure, increased mobility and circulation in the muscles and joints, reduction of chronic pain, and better sleep. Practiced completely lying down and seated. No prior yoga experience is necessary. Everyone, regardless of fitness level, will appreciate the deep relaxation and stress relief this class provides. Classes are held in 8-week series at a discounted package price, but you may join anytime!

Drop-in: $17/class

9-week Package (2x/week): $252

(Next series is Sept. 2 - Oct. 30, 2024)

Private Sessions

via Zoom or in-person in Naples, FL

One-on-one yoga, much like personal fitness training, is tailored to your specific needs. These one hour sessions allow you to work privately with me to create a practice that makes sense for your body and desired objectives. Sessions can include any type of yoga practice you desire, with personalized instruction and attention from me, and/or spiritual coaching. Practice in the comfort of your own home, from anywhere in the world!

Private for 1 person: $125
Private for 2 people: $180
Private for 3 or more: Quote upon request

Explore My Music



Thank you so much for all you bring to us with each yoga class - your present moment reminders - wonderful workouts - and your boundless energy, spirit and positivity. I look forward to many more!

— Christine K.

Missy, you really are an inspiration for body and soul! Thank you for keeping me ‘in the moment!’

—Susan S.

Missy, you’re a rock star! Your energy is INFECTIOUS. Your classes are fun, spirited, challenging, energizing and relaxing. And I always feel great. Much love!

— Marc K.

Missy, I have taken yoga off and on over the years and have had many different teachers, but I have never had one that has even come close to you! The joy and happiness that you bring to class every day is so uplifting and encouraging that I can’t wait to get there. You are a beautiful person on the inside and the outside, and I can’t thank you enough for being such a bright light in my life!

— Tricia B.

Missy, your classes are the bright spot in my week! I love your readings, music, and caring for each and every one of us. I will be with you as long as I am able to keep moving!

— Judy M.

I simply love your classes and your sweet singing! You have helped me to obtain new flexibility in my knees (both surgically replaced) and feel SO much better! With gratitude and love!

— Nicky B.

Thank you for another season of G & A (gratitude and appreciation)! Such an important attitude and thought. I really enjoy your classes…they are the best part of my Florida winter.

— Kate C.

Missy, I consider you to be my spiritual leader! Thank you for your great classes!

— Julie R.

Missy, thank you for being my “yoga hero!” Because of you, I love yoga and it has changed my life! Love you!

— Nancy R.